AHI Architectural Heritage Intervention

“Contributing to enhancing our heritage, as the way forward for 21 st Century architecture is our raison d’être; to emphasize a diverse, rich vision that necessarily complements the intervention is our mission, and achieving it with reflexive and purposeful efforts is the challenge”.

This project, founded in, and directed since, 2011 by Ramon Calonge, Oriol Cusidó, Marc Manzano and Jordi Portal, architects and members of the Group of Architects for the Defence and Intervention in Architectural Heritage (AADIPA), has, through the years become a platform that includes four actions that are both independent and transversal.
The European Award, a biennial event that brings together and showcases the multiple approaches of intervention in Europe.

The International Biennial, a framework that serves to compare and gain closer insight of quality interventions in architectural heritage in non-European countries.

The digital Archive, a live and open window that provides a panoramic view of interventions in the history of our surroundings.

The Forum, a meeting place where you can participate in on-going debates about the main preoccupations and lines of thought about interventions in architectural heritage in Europe.



Regeneration of the Gracia's neighbourhoods' urban and environmental improvement

Regeneration of the Gracia's neighbourhoods' urban and environmental improvement

Gracia District is one of the most ancient urban areas of Barcelona. It was born as an important rural area, that was independent from the city of Barcelona for a longtime. At the beginning of the XIX century we find the first footprint of industry. It is also an area where Barcelona’s middle-class people built their second residences. All these factors, gave a very special character to the urban grid of Gracia and it has become one of the most important historical city centres of Catalonia. For this reason, it is necessary to create an own and specific regulation in order to preserve the heritage of the character and the atmosphere of this area. The Metropolitan General Plan Modification revises all the urban plans developed on the area and adapts the urban regulations to the current standards of conservation and preservation of the historical urban grids. The proposals are following the direction of promotion and protection of the built and social heritage, the production of new protected housing and the environmental sustainability.


Urban Planning






Jornet Llop Pastor Arquitectes
Gerència d'Urbanisme de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona

External collaborators

Architectural and cultural heritage: Vilanova + Moya arquitectes.
Environmental documentation: IGREMAP.
Economical and finantial evaluation: Promo Assessors Consultors SAP.
Mobility study: MCRIT.
Population and housing: Montserrat Mercadé.
Data analysis: 300.000km/s.
Legal Advice: Clavell Consulting.









© Photographer

Jon Tugores / Ajuntament de Barcelona

Type of intervention
