Architecture in the first half of the twentieth century in Morocco

Morocco was the guest country at the 2 nd edition of the International Biennial in 2015, where the lectures were organized under the theme “Architecture in the first half of the twentieth century”. The conferences revolved around the theme “Architecture at the turn of the century in Morocco” versus “The Modern Movement in Catalonia”.
- Rabat. Shared heritage
Speaker: Faissal Cherradi, architect. Project manager of the Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Morocco
- The Architecture of the Twentieth Century in Casablanca
Speaker: Abderrahim Kassou, architect and anthropologist. Ex-president of Casamémoire
- Modern Heritage in Catalonia. DOCOMOMO
Speaker: Susana Landrove. Director Docomomo Iberico
- How to Intervene in Modern Architecture: La casa Bloc
Speaker: Victor Seguí and Marc Seguí, architects
- Rabat. Shared heritage
Speaker: Faissal Cherradi, architect. Project manager of the Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Morocco
- The Architecture of the Twentieth Century in Casablanca
Speaker: Abderrahim Kassou, architect and anthropologist. Ex-president of Casamémoire
- Modern Heritage in Catalonia. DOCOMOMO
Speaker: Susana Landrove. Director Docomomo Iberico
- How to Intervene in Modern Architecture: La casa Bloc
Speaker: Victor Seguí and Marc Seguí, architects