AHI Architectural Heritage Intervention

“Contribuir a la revalorización del patrimonio como camino de futuro para la arquitectura del siglo XXI es nuestra razón de ser; poner énfasis en una visión diversa, rica y necesariamente complementaria de la práctica de la intervención es nuestra misión y hacerlo mediante un trabajo reflexivo y propositivo, el verdadero reto”. 

Este proyecto, fundado y dirigido desde 2011 por Ramon Calonge, Oriol Cusidó, Marc Manzano y Jordi Portal, arquitectos miembros de la Agrupación de Arquitectos para la Defensa y la Intervención en el Patrimonio Arquitectónico (AADIPA), a lo largo de su trayectoria se ha convertido en una plataforma que incluye cuatro actuaciones independientes a la vez que transversales.

El Premio Europeo, un certamen bienal que se convierte catalizador y aparador de la pluralidad de enfoques que plantea el campo de la intervención en Europa. 

La Bienal Internacional, el marco donde contrastar y conocer más de cerca la intervención de calidad en el patrimonio arquitectónico de países no europeos.

El Archivo digital, una ventana viva y abierta que ofrece una panorámica sobre la intervención en la memoria de nuestro entorno. 

El Foro, lugar de encuentro donde participar de un debate continuo sobre las principales preocupaciones y líneas de pensamiento de la intervención del patrimonio arquitectónico en Europa.


Privacy Policy

In compliance with the General Regulation UE 2016/679 on the European Data Protection standard, applied directly throughout the Spanish state from the 25th of May 2018, the Association of Architects for the Defence and Intervention of Architectural Heritage (AADIPA), as part of The Architects’ Association of Catalonia (COAC) and the management of The European Award for Architectural Heritage intervention, inform you about how we treat your personal data:

Responsible for the treatment
The Architects’ Association of Catalonia, public law entity registered in the Register of Professional Associations of the Department of Justice under number ARQ / C-20. NIF Q0875010A

Contact information
Colegio de Arquitectos de Catalunya (COAC)
Plaça Nova 5, 08002-Barcelona

933067803 (Architect’s helpline)
933067841 (Citizen’s helpline)

Security measures

The necessary technical and organizational security measures will be saved, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the data according to what is established by the current legal regulations.


We inform you that the personal data you provide will be dedicated to purposes related to the management of The European Award for Architectural Heritage intervention AADIPA.

The purposes for which the data provided will be treated are the following:

Manage your registration, access and use of your Award registration form, through your personal profile.

Manage your contact information concerning the Award for the purposes of consultation, help, complaints, claims, or any other reason directly related to the Award.

Promotion and dissemination of our activities and services, issuance of information and publicity that is related to the Award.

Third party data
If you provide us with data from third parties or provide them to us in the future, you must, in advance, have informed and obtained the consent of the third party for the use of their data, as set forth herein.

Data / Statistics
We also use your information to generate aggregated data that does not identify you, such as, for example, to generate statistics about our participants, countries of origin, gender, projects and / or typologies of projects presented.

Transfer of data and advertising information.

The personal data collected by the COAC are not transferred to third parties without the prior and informed consent of the person who owns them, with the exception of the following cases:

When a legal rule exempts consent, as in the case of the fulfillment of the duty of collaboration with judicial bodies and public administrations, the communication of the data of associate members and professional associations to the Higher Council of the Architects' Associations of Spain, for the fulfillment of their functions, including the maintenance of the General Registry of Architects among others.

When the assignment is necessary to provide the service through a third party (in charge of treatment), as in the following cases:

Hard copy deliveries: paper deliveries through third parties are made with 2 different entities. The Ginesta Foundation (http://www.fundacioginesta.org/). Address: Passatge de Montserrat Isern, 23 08908 Hospitalet de Llobregat and Apunts (Fundación Joia), Avinguda Josep Tarradellas, 19-21, 08029 Barcelona

Data conservation period

We will keep your personal data for the duration of the association of the Award and successively in all subsequent editions that take place, or while the person owning them does not revoke the consent allowing us to treat them. They will then be destroyed or alternatively blocked before being destroyed, during the time that the COAC is obliged to conserve them in accordance with the law.

Data protection rights

As Responsible for the Treatment, we are committed to respect the confidentiality of your personal data and to guarantee the exercise of your rights. At all times the following rights can be excercised: transparency, information, access, rectification, deletion, right to be forgotten, portability, limitation and opposition to treatment.

To exercise these rights please send an email to: dadespersonals@coac.net, clearly indicating (i) your identity, indicating, at least, your full name and the email address you used to register for the Award, as well as a document that allows you to prove your identity, and (ii) the right or rights that you exercise

Those who consider that their personal data has been used illicitly may file a claim with the Autoritat Catalan de Protecció de Dades or the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.

The exercise of these rights is free, unless manifestly unfounded or excessive requests are made, in which case the interested party may be required to assume the cost of processing.

Information about cookies

We use cookies, which are small files with information about your browsing on this website and whose main purpose is to facilitate browsing on it. Please, check our Cookies policy to ascertain in greater detail the cookies we use, their purpose and other information of interest.


We will update this Privacy Policy from time to time and in response to requirements arising from legal, regulatory or operational changes. We will notify you of such changes (including its entry into force) in accordance with the law.