AHI Architectural Heritage Intervention

“Contributing to enhancing our heritage, as the way forward for 21 st Century architecture is our raison d’être; to emphasize a diverse, rich vision that necessarily complements the intervention is our mission, and achieving it with reflexive and purposeful efforts is the challenge”.

This project, founded in, and directed since, 2011 by Ramon Calonge, Oriol Cusidó, Marc Manzano and Jordi Portal, architects and members of the Group of Architects for the Defence and Intervention in Architectural Heritage (AADIPA), has, through the years become a platform that includes four actions that are both independent and transversal.
The European Award, a biennial event that brings together and showcases the multiple approaches of intervention in Europe.

The International Biennial, a framework that serves to compare and gain closer insight of quality interventions in architectural heritage in non-European countries.

The digital Archive, a live and open window that provides a panoramic view of interventions in the history of our surroundings.

The Forum, a meeting place where you can participate in on-going debates about the main preoccupations and lines of thought about interventions in architectural heritage in Europe.


Different visions of heritage in Equatorial Guinea

The 5th Biennial International AHI welcomed Equatorial Guinea as guest country, with the theme “Different visions of heritage in Equatorial Guinea”. For the first time in the history of the event, the conferences were held at the Museo de Historia de Barcelona (MUHBA – The Barcelona Museum of History).

Experts in different fields of architecture and the art world participated in this 5th Edition. Its goal was to present a wide array of equatorial Guinean heritage, a heritage that comes from time immemorial to the fusion of colonial cultures (Portuguese, British and Spanish), that has left its imprint on the country through the times. The diversity and wealth of its material heritage is another expression of the country’s culture. Reinforcing and projecting its tangible and intangible values internationally are essential for the present and the future of the country.

- The New Urban Districts, the development of small towns
Speaker: Dominica Nchama Minang ntang. Architect in the Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Urbanism of Equatorial Guinea, in the Directorate of Urban Planning and Land Registry
- Interventions in the landscape heritage of Equatorial Guinea
Speaker: Ursicino Nsé. Architect and founder of Parasite, a project design and construction process company.
- Cultural heritage of the Ñañigos from Fernando Poo in the architectural heritage of Santa Isabel
Speaker: Pocho Guimaraes. Cross artist from the world of art, cinema and dance
- Memories of an era (1960-1969)
Speaker: Marcelo Ndong. Actor and heritage dissemination.
- Colonialism, Heritage and Repair in Equatorial Guinea
Speaker: Laida Memba. Architect and co-director of the Guinea Heritage project
- Heritage landscapes of Equatorial Guinea
Speaker: Montserrat Villaverde. Art Historian, co-director of the Guinea Heritage project and Head of documentation and dissemination of RehabiMed