13 April 2017
On Tuesday 25th of April at 17h in the Assembly room of the COAC of Barcelona, the book-catalogue presentation of the 2nd edition of the European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention, AADIPA will be held. This volume, coordinated by the award management and published with the sponsorship and collaboration of FYM-HeidelbergCement group, brings together all the works presented and complies with the aim of documenting the event and contributing to the dissemination, distinction and recognition of good practice in the heritage field.
The event, organized by FYM, COAC and AADIPA and which will be open to the public, will feature interventions from Jesús Arcos, associate partner of aldayjover architecture and landscape studio, who will give a lecture entitled "Cultural landscapes" and Leandro Cámara, architect representative of the Santa María Cathedral Foundation (Vitoria-Gasteiz), whose speech will focus on the consolidation of production facilities at the Cathedral.
The directors of the Award, which in 2017 celebrates its 3rd edition and which remains open for entry until Friday April 28th, will be in charge of bringing the event to a close with the presentation of the book catalogue and with all participants attending the event receiving a copy.
Full program of the event
Tuesday April 25th, 2017
Assembly room of the COAC
5:00 p.m. Welcome and Event Presentation
Mr. Lluís Comerón. President of the Association of Architects of Catalonia.
Mr. Tomas Azorín Varela. Director of Institutional Relations of FYM-HeidelbergCement
Mr. Marc Manzano. Co Director of the European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention AADIPA
17.30h Title: "Cultural landscapes"
Aldayjover, Architecture and Landscape
Speaker Jesús Arcos, associate architect of aldayjover architecture and landscape
18.15h Title: Consolidation of Production Facilities in the Cathedral of Santa María of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Santa María Cathedral Foundation (Vitoria)
Speaker Leandro Cámara
7:00 p.m. Presentation of the book from the second edition of the European Award for Architectural Heritage Intervention AADIPA
By: The Award Directors
Event closed by: Antoni Vilanova. President of the Association of Architects for Architectural Heritage and Defence and Intervention. AADIPA
7:30 p.m Refreshments